Anyway, my mom was an amazing, beautiful, courageous, patriotic, opinionated, kind, humorous, intelligent, happy woman. Anyone who met her, I daresay, liked her. She had a bumper sticker on "Old Whitey" (our '65 Chevy Pick-up that my dad bought with poker winnings). The bumper sticker said, "Help Wildlife ~ Throw a Party!" And, that just about sums up my mother. She was always ready to have a good time; have a good time helping her neighbor, have a good time teaching 3rd graders, have a good time traveling the world each summer by carefully saving dollars she set aside from her teacher's salary. She was intelligent; but more than that, she was wise. When daddy died at such a young age (54), she let us know, "You can't wait until you retire to do the things you want to do." It was really a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because she only lived two years after she retired. That is mind-boggling. I still can't fathom that my lively mother has passed away. She was much too full of life to leave us. But, the fact of the matter is, she has passed away. But, her memory, her lessons, her legacy lives on.

Today in church, a few verses out of the scripture that was read really resounded with me. (Matthew 25: 35, 36, 40) "I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me." I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me!" That was the type of parents I had. They didn't go to church (unless Roberta and I were singing in our "Band of Love Choir". They honestly thought that churches were full of hypocrites. I believe they didn't know about the free grace of God. However, another curious fact is that one of my mom's favorite songs of all time was "The Old Rugged Cross." I think my mom had Jesus in her heart, not in a building.
When Mom was in the hospital the day before she died, our dear family friend said to me, "Suzie, your mom was such a wonderful person. She was always doing for others." This is true. I am blessed to be the daughter of Johnnie Louis Payne Myers. Love you Mom.
So, I am offering a wonderful recipe from my dear mother, my favorite of all sweets ~ homemade ice cream. I hope you enjoy it!
Mom's Ice Cream
Beat 2 cups sugar and 4 eggs until creamy.
Add 1 Tablespoon vanilla, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 2 large cans evaporated milk, 1 instant vanilla pudding mix.
Mix all together. Put in ice cream freezer; fill to 1 inch from the top with milk or cream. Makes 1 gallon.
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