The autumn in the desert is exquisite. The cool crisp, night air; the warm colors, the dry desert sounds from animals and the rustling leaves in the breeze.
I have never made it out to tend to the cattle, but this is the place where they could be. They roam and munch on the desert flora. They are rounded up and brought in for tending to.
Sonny Boy and Dodo (may they rest in peace), were cattle feeders and farmers. They understood the whole picture. I bet that they BELIEVED "The cowboys and the farmers should be friends..." (song from "Oklahoma!" the musical)!
In my mind, I see Dodo welcoming every Tom, Dick and Harry into her beautiful ranch house, complete with the smells of her signature Chalupa on the stove. She might ask Tom, "How are you doin'?" Or to Dick, "What the hell happened to you? You look tired." Or to Harry, "It's good to see you. It's been too long. How's the family? Tell me all about 'em."
Dodo could make a big, delicious pot of Chalupa. It is my Colorado family's favorite. Over the years, I would have to trick finicky little boys by calling it Pork Stew, or Beef Soup, or some such name. But, if you give it a try, you just might get hooked! They did every time!
Friends have asked if I would give them Dodo's recipe, so here goes! (Thanks sister Becky ~ Dodo's daughter-in-law for the recipe)
3 pounds of pork roast (trimmed, then shredded)
1 pound of beans
2 cloves garlic, minced (or 1 TBS. powder)
2 Tbs. chili powder
1 Tbs. cumin
1 Tbs. oregano
1 can green chilis
1 Tbs. salt
Put all in large pot. Cover with water. Cook 6 hours.
What a great meal after a beautiful autumn day in the desert.
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