From top left is Tim, 25 years old. He is attending Kansas University and hopes to graduate in the fall of 2009. Tim creates the most beautiful jewelry and is studying art and metallurgy.
Jason is 28 and married to Ali, 28. They are married and have a lovely house in Kansas. They are working and also doing some other things they love, like fixing up their home, creating delectable pastries (Ali), coaching high school tennis (Jason), and spending time with their cute doggie, Bonita Patches.
Grace is 12. She attends 7th grade in middle school. She is a great student who tries hard and tries new things, like basketball and volleyball (for the first time this year!) I love that about her! She raises sheep in 4-H, plays the flute beautifully (was chosen to be in middle school Honor Band), and has lots and lots of friends!
Philip is 14. He attends 8th grade in middle school. He loves to play basketball and baseball. He is a great student who tries hard and goes the extra mile in his new school. He was chosen as the October Student of the Month at his school. That honor earned him a $500.00 renewable yearly scholarship to Mesa State College, should he choose to attend. He is involved in DeMolay and two Christian youth groups. (The fur ball in Philip's arms is our puppy Lucy!)
Scott and I are so proud of all of our kids. They are wonderful, kind, caring human beings. Just wanted you to know a little about them!
I learned a lot about your kids from reading this article. Since we don't get to visit at lunch anymore, it's nice to catch up with you this way.